Middle school in Bastuträsk is being shut down

Middle school students in Bastuträsk will be moved to Norsjöskolan starting this autumn in a contested decision by the municipal executive committee.

Bastuträsk school will now only accommodate students from preschool to third grade.

Bastuträsk school will now only accommodate students from preschool to third grade.

Foto: Lennart Enkvist

Bastuträsk2024-06-12 15:10

Norsjö municipality justified the move by citing the need for equal educational opportunities, but the decision has been met with strong opposition from local parents who believe it is a short-sighted solution that neglects the long-term needs of the community. Norsjö school is a 30-minute drive from Bastutråsk.

"Educational decisions should be based on the needs of the students," says Mikael Lindfors (S).

Mikael Lindfors (Social Democrats) says the decision is based on operational findings.

– We need to ensure quality education, he says, acknowledging the challenges of small class sizes.

– Hopefully, enrollment will increase for a future reopening of grades 4-5. Educational decisions should be based on the needs of the students.

Håkan Jansson and Charlotta Jansson Enquist (M) believe it sends the wrong signals to cut back in Bastuträsk.

The proposal passed following a vote. S, V, and KD voted in favor, while M dissented and registered a formal objection.

Håkan Jansson och Charlotta Jansson Enquist (M) say their objection is based on the municipality's 2050 strategy. This strategy identifies Bastuträsk and its surrounding areas as having potential for development. They aim to support both the area and the local community.

– This is a short-sighted decision as we expect an increase in preschool and kindergarten student enrollment.