The police will investigate the cause of the fire

On Wednesday morning, a barn burned down outside Ånäset. About 50 animals perished inside and now the police will investigate the cause of the fire.

On Wednesday morning, the police had cordoned off the area.

On Wednesday morning, the police had cordoned off the area.

Foto: Torbjörn Jakobsson/VK

Ånäset2023-02-08 16:05

It was at 05.30 that a passer-by saw that the barn was on fire and raised the alarm. When rescue services arrived from Ånäset, the building was engulfed in flames. The barn could not be saved and around 50 animals, including pigs, goats and chickens, perished inside.

The cause of the fire is unclear, according to both the police and the emergency services.

- It is unclear what has happened, says Åsa Mjörndal, press spokesperson at the police.

Now the police will try to find out why the fire started. On Wednesday morning, a police patrol was on site to document the fire scene and collect information. Among other things, interviews have been held with the owner of the barn and the rescue leader at the rescue service.

However, the police have not been able to carry out any technical examination of the fire scene.

- It is too hot and as I understand it, there is also a risk of collapse. A technical investigation will be carried out when possible, says Åsa Mjörndal.

At the moment, there are no signs that the fire was started.

- No, there is nothing to indicate it was deliberate, says Åsa Mjörndal.

When the emergency services arrived, the barn was engulfed in flames. The animals in the barn could not be saved.

There are no suspects in the case.