Lynx population up in Västerbotten

Ten lynxes can be shot in Västerbotten when the hunt begins in March, announces Länsstyrelsen.

Ten lynxes can be shot in Västerbotten, announces the County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen).

Ten lynxes can be shot in Västerbotten, announces the County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen).

Foto: Junge, Heiko

Västerbotten2024-02-21 11:45

Länsstyrelsen, the County Administrative Board, cited the potential threat lynx pose to reindeer herds as the main reason for the controlled hunt.

– By shooting ten animals over a vast hunting area, we aim to keep the lynx population close to the target level while reducing conflicts with reindeer husbandry, explains Ulf Bergelin, deputy head of the Nature Conservation Unit at Länsstyrelsen.

The lynx population is estimated by snow tracking, focusing on identifying family groups consisting of females with cubs. The wildlife management delegation in Västerbotten has set a target of approximately 23 lynx family groups in the county each year.

– Our current data confirms 21.5 family groups in Västerbotten, which is close to the target, says Michael Schneider, responsible for predator management at Länsstyrelsen.

– The allocated hunting quota is determined through various calculations to ensure population stability.