Winter's last stand: Snowstorm to hit Skellefteå

Dreaming of spring? Tough luck, Skellefteå! The recent sunny spell is about to be rudely interrupted by a snowstorm sweeping across the region on Tuesday. And it looks like the cold weather isn't going anywhere fast.

A snowstorm is coming.

A snowstorm is coming.

Foto: Simon Olofsson

Skellefteå2024-04-23 10:15

The past few weeks have seen the snow slowly melt away under the warm sun. But winter isn't giving up without a fight. A new area of low pressure is bringing fresh snowfall on Tuesday. 

Don't doubt the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) – they take their forecasts seriously!

– Yes, we are very professional at SMHI, confirms Max Schildt, a meteorologist at the institute.

– We don't joke around.

This weather change is a classic case of "April showers" – except in this case, it's April snowstorms. Last week saw a dip in temperatures, but at least the sun was out. Now, get ready for snow, wind, and even colder weather.

– The snow will move in from the Norrland coast early Tuesday morning, explains Schildt.

– It will gradually spread inland and reach the mountains throughout the day.

By evening, the entire northern part of Norrland is expected to be covered in snow, according to Schildt. 

A low-pressure system arriving from the west is responsible for this wintry blast. However, the heaviest snowfall will be concentrated along the coast.

– Expect steady snowfall throughout Tuesday. Accumulations will likely be around five centimeters near the border with Norrbotten. Further south, expect two to five centimeters, with some areas potentially reaching ten centimeters, says Schildt.

Brace yourselves for a chilly night too, with temperatures dropping as low as minus ten degrees Celsius before Tuesday.

– Tuesday's daytime temperatures will range from freezing to five degrees Celsius, Schildt adds.

– And to top it all off, expect brisk northerly winds with strong gusts.

If you're thinking the new snow will melt quickly, think again. The bad news is, it's here to stay.

– The cold temperatures will persist until the beginning of next week, so this snow will stick around, warns Schildt.

With snow on the horizon, sunshine will be hard to come by.

There might be a glimpse of sun on Thursday and Saturday, but that depends on the behavior of the low-pressure systems, concludes Schildt.