Local leaders gear up for epic AIK celebration at Guldtorget

Municipal councilors Evelina Fahlesson and Lorents Burman were enthralled by the thrilling Swedish ice hockey championship match at Skellefteå Kraft Arena, won so brilliantly by Skellefteå AIK.

Skellefteå2024-04-30 11:50

– This victory is simply glorious! exclaimed Lorents Burman.

– It's Skellefteå AIK's fourth gold medal for the championsip, and it's the first time I've witnessed them clinch it on home ice. It was absolutely electrifying! Even 45 minutes after the final whistle, the arena was still buzzing with excited fans. This is an experience you might only get once in a lifetime – truly fantastic!

Thoughts on the match?

– The final saw Skellefteå AIK deliver their best performance of the season, and the close 1-0 score kept everyone on the edge of their seats, Burman said.

– Their ability to shut down Rögle, who had been so dominant throughout the playoffs, was simply incredible.

Celebrating the victory

– I'll be joining everyone at the celebratory event at the square, Burman said.

– I still vividly remember the massive crowds that filled the square back in 2014, and I'm expecting a similar turnout this year. It's going to be an amazing kickoff to the Walpurgis festivities!

–This is such a joyous occasion! Skellefteå has been experiencing a wave of positive developments, and this SM gold medal is the perfect crowning achievement.